8 Replies to “The Sun Sets on Africa”

  1. They are all beautiful but the shot from the boat with the reeds and tree silhouetted is my favorite. My favorite shots on my European adventures have been the sunset/night shots.

    I’m glad you guys survived Africa. Can you believe the journey is already 2/3 over? Crazy.

    I have a week left in Europe (Budapest and Prague)

  2. You do not know they are not sunrises, except for the fact that I am telling you they are not. We also have a number of sunrise pictures, which I may post one day, as I don’t believe I’ve ever seen as many sunrises as in my time in Africa. But on my honor, they are all sunsets.

  3. Simply breathtaking amazing!
    I love seeing your photos and reading your posts they are all so vivid with tales from Africa.. thank you for taking us through your journey.
    That is why I choose your blog for one of “The Lovely blog Awards” on my blog to share your link with other bloggers so they can enjoy what I read here on this blog too..
    I look forward to read more of the next phase in your adventure.

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